Need to take a proctored exam?
We can help!
There is no charge to Altoona or rural Polk County residents for proctoring.
All other patrons will be charged $10 per exam.
- All students will be charged for any printing or supplies needed (including postage if necessary) and charges must be paid before taking the exam.
- Students needing to use a library computer will sit in the staff area to take their test. If it is a paper exam or the student has their own laptop to use, they may sit at a carrel near the circulation desk.
- Start times must include the total time allowed for the exam plus 15 minutes before closing. For example, if your test allows for 2 hours to be completed, the exam would need to be started by 6:45pm on a weeknight.
- The library cannot guarantee any one particular staff member will be proctoring the exam.
- Any paperwork needed by the institution needs to be supplied to the library with 2 working days (Monday through Friday) to be completed.
All students must fill out the Application for Proctoring form before submitting paperwork for proctor approval.
Instructors should use the student’s name in the subject line of all emails.